Fire Extinguishers
With the machines and tools necessary, we are capable of performing 6yr and hydrostatic maintenances on ABC extinguishers. We also have the tools and resources to perform testing on CO2 and Clean Agent extinguishers as well. On top of the NFPA required testing, we also perform repairs for broken units as well.

Sprinkler/Suppression Systems
Whether it’s a deficiency found during inspections, a repair due to other circumstances, or an emergency pipe leak; We are equipped and capable of performing all work necessary to get your system operational again.

Our certified technicians are trained to clean, repair, replace any backflow device whether sprinkler, domestic, or irrigation. If any problem occurs from an inspection, or elsewhere; our technicians can handle it.

Exit and Emergency Lighting
When it comes to emergency/exit lights, our technicians in the field are equipped with batteries and bulbs to replace if found deficient during an inspection or upon approval. We are also equipped with new units to install if ever required due to unrepairable devices.

Kitchen Hoods
Certified and trained, we can perform any repair, deficiency, or replacement of components within a kitchen suppression system. From nozzles, links, activation mechanisms, and more. Legacy is capable of keeping your system active.

Fire Pumps
Fire pump inspections and testing are performed by trained technicians that gather pertinent test information, required by NFPA standards.

Fire Alarm Systems
Though we do not replace systems, our technicians are trained to repair and replace devices active on a Fire Alarm system. We also handle the maintenance of replacing batteries in the FACP or corresponding devices.

Fire Hydrants
Whether ground or wall hydrants, our team of trained technicians are capable of performing flow tests and inspections on fire hydrants. If you have a hydrant on your property, trust Legacy to ensure it meets NFPA standards.